Lemurian Spirit

Gateways of Splendor




This course is an 11-part series offering timeless wisdom as we connect to the Gateways of Splendor. The Gateways of Splendor allow our ever expanding chakras to open to the infinity of all Reality. It gives us a grand opportunity to hold and be our full light (splendor), to remember fully the magnificence of who we are!




What are the Gateways of Splendor? 


A Gateway is an opening, a doorway. And it is an area of balancing energy from 1 level to another. In this course, we will open gateways, clear gateways, activate gateways, amplify our energy, retrieve lost wisdom from within and link gateways for greater awareness and oneness with all that is.


They Gateways of Splendor are a series of pathways of Light (splendor) that we have found ourselves separated from since we have been living in duality. They exist within us, other humanoids and non-humanoids, in planets, suns, galaxies and throughout the universal structure. They are part of the workings of the grid system of ourselves, the earth, the sun, and the cosmos. They are energetic structures of light within and around our chakras. They connect and assist light movement within Self, between each other and into deep space. We are again beginning to link our Gateways with other humans and our cosmic brothers and sisters. Because they have been dormant for so long, we have not had access to our full light. And because splendorous light is a higher vibrational light, we now have the opportunity to fully grow into our true Selves and be whole again!


Guiding our group will be SanRa and the Lemurian Priestess Circle of 13, Ascended Masters, Angelic and Archangelic Beings, Star Nations and all constellations of Light, Cosmic Beings of Light and Avatar energies, not to mention the magnificent energies of light of each listener/participant. We are all working together as One.


How will I benefit? 


  • Begin to live from our Divine Spark/Monad/I AM Presence and leave behind the shackles of being controlled from our emotions and limiting, outdated belief systems.
  • DNA becomes more activated into 12 strands, even 144 strands and the restoration process begins in earnest.
  • More fully realize the purpose of your Soul and Monad
  • Feel the connection with other Beings, preventing or transforming feelings of isolation
  • Move forward on your ascension path
  • Further activate your personal crystalline grid
  • Clearing of old beliefs of separation, fear, doubts, anger
  • Feel exhilarated and more alive
  • Feel more happy to be on Earth
  • Open inner chambers of chakras
  • Live more in the Field of Oneness
  • Accelerate your personal quantum field


This course was originally designed to help us through the “11” year of 2018 and to navigate the energies of the Particle Convergence and Particle Emergence. Because it was such a deeply transformational experience for those participating, I was strongly guided to offer this course again so that it reaches a broader audience and helps us to explore the deep cosmic reality of who we are. The information and energy provided is timeless wisdom and will help you move through the current energies of transformation with greater ease and grace. I do hope you will take advantage of this extraordinary opportunity.