Lemurian Spirit





Lemurian Priestesses take us from crystalline to photonic grid system

Pre-recorded 5 session channeled series. 60 minutes each.


I am so excited to be offering this group. So much is happening now on the earth, and this is a brand-new opportunity for us to upgrade our personal grid system.

Fairly recently, we upgraded our personal grid systems from carbon base to crystalline. Now we are able to begin the process of upgrading from the crystalline to the photonic (cosmic liquid light).

We will also learn about the changes in the current human and earth grid and participate in the upgrading of these grids.

We will be privileged to be of Service to the collective human grid, earth grid and cosmic grid.

See what is offered week by week:



  • Experience multidimensional symphonic orchestra of light
  • Join splendorous photonic light with personal crystalline grid
  • Activate packets of light within personal grid
  • Receive Lemurian song of balance
  • Move through sacred gateways to the great ALL THAT IS



  • Rcognize immensity, magnitude and magnificence of who we really ARE
  • Break down physical, mental, emotional, soul constructs that hold us back
  • Immersion of cosmic grid into personal grid
  • Integrate Monadic blueprint into personal grid and DNA
  • Bring photonic light into chakras and earth grid



  • Purification of collective human grid
  • Open flow between human kingdom, animal kingdom, cetacean kingdom, tree kingdom and more
  • Open earth grid gateways and expand gatekeeper abilities
  • Activation of cellular and atomic structure
  • Assist activation of earth and human grid system



  • Bring star grids from Orion, Sirius, Pleiades, Great Bear to our personal grid and into Earth and collective human grid
  • Assist in healing relationship between humanity and earth
  • Accelerate your personal timeline
  • Awaken 12 strand to 144 strand DNA
  • Activation of personal encodement of light



  • Turn on higher vibrational power grid for earth and humanity. WOW!
  • Integrate energies in personal crystalline/photonic grid
  • Receive blessings of highest magnitude and deep gratitude for our Service work


What people had to say about the ACCELERATED GRID GROUP:


Wow, talk about accelerated! I can really feel the energy. I just feel exhilarated!

Joy, CA, US


I am so grateful for this group. I can feel the energy changes in my body and in my chakras too. This is just what I have been looking for. Thank you SanRa and the Priestesses.

Margo, Germany



This group was incredible! I learned so much about the grid system and I feel so different with all the upgrades and activated encodements. Thanks so much!

Cody, NY, US